benjamin f spector
i am a third year phd student in cs at stanford working with the amazing chris re. i make ml go brr.
special thanks to the hertz foundation for funding my phd. ♡
before coming to stanford, i received my sb in cs+math and my meng in cs at mit, where i was very lucky to be advised by tim kraska.
reach me via carrier pigeon.
things i did
scaling laws for precision (oral@iclr2025)
thunderkittens: simple, fast, and adorable ai kernels (spotlight@iclr2025)
accelerating llm inference with staged speculative decoding (@esfomo@icml2023)
learned string index structures for in-memory databases (thesis)
[poster] characterization and performance predictions of l-mode plasmas in the sparc tokamak (@apsdpp2021)
bounding the last mile: efficient learned string indexing (@aidb@vldb2021)
preventing adversarial use of datasets through fair core-set construction (@priml@neurips2019)
sample-efficient reinforcement learning through transfer and architectural priors (@ciai@nips2017)
sometimes i write
gpus go brrr
the kids markets aren't alright
ai economics
the generation game
the pricing wars
the scale mindset is expensive
a love letter to mit's blackboards
effective startup ideation
specialization and the hive mind
sub unsub
also do not scrape this website to train ai models. i gotta keep my edge over our ai overlords somehow.